Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"You have a pretty face but you need to lose some weight."

So here I am. Blogging. All five foot two , 200 + pounds of me. A hairdresser at a well established salon in what most people would call "a small town."
I remember when I started cosmetology school. I was 19 and ,after a vain attempt of attending a large university, I decided to follow my calling to be a cosmetologist. I stayed in that college town and by that next fall:a cosmetology student. Right from the start I could call out what cliques were to form. That beauty school on the west side of Michigan enrolled every stereotype one could imagine: prom queens, strippers, ex-sorority girls, single moms, stay at home moms with empty nest syndrome, and my favorite- the girly girls who one would have never guessed hunted, fished, drove tractors, processed salami at the meat market- and were still on homecoming court.
Where did I fit in? Two words: I didn't. This was a difficult concept for me. I had made some good friends through out my young life and felt as though I made new friends every every corner I turned. My size two college roommate, who was also my high school best friend, remained my best friend through "thick and thin" (and hard times too!) I was raised in a nice town on the east side of the state and,since moving away,had recently acquired a princess to pauper mentality. "College living" was a rough!
I couldn't help but feel as though everyone in beauty school judged me by my weight. That had been my college experience, especially with college boys. A girl could have a "3" for a face, but as long as her body was a "10", the guys were all about it. Twisted way of putting it, but true. In just one year away at college, I allowed the fact that boys weren't knocking down my door to date me strip away my self esteem. I didn't let it show though, I just put on more make-up and took more time doing my hair. This was where I believe my passion for the beauty industry came in. I thought that if I could just make my face look prettier and style my hair real nice that, despite being overweight, I could be found attractive. In my head fat=ugly. Boys wanted skinny girls , and skinny girls wanted skinny friends.
As it turns out I, a petite XL, was called to the beauty industry!! I had talent! I had personality! I had a drive and a burning desire to be a part of this superficial industry, one that I thought was based on creating beauty.
But that isn't the case anymore. I know now that beauty can not be created. Beauty is brought out of someone. I work hard on esteeming my clients and teaching others to love who they are, for all they are.
I am a size 18 in an industry where it is unacceptable to be over a size 12. Although I am actively seeking help for a healthy lifestyle, I will not act like it is a compliment for someone to tell me "You have a pretty face, but you need to lose some weight".


  1. love your first entry, can't wait for more!!! xoxo

  2. I agree...do another one tonight when you can't sleep. I'm serious...I'm checking for it tomorrow morning at 7:00am and it better be there! Love you more

  3. Just stopping by from your Livestrong link. Good luck!
